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Spring cleaning your kitchen – where to start

Ahhhh, spring cleaning. 摆脱冬季忧郁,让你的家准备好迎接一个美丽的春天的完美方法. Plus, 春季大扫除也能让你的家更节能, allowing your appliances to work more effectively.

But when you’re busy washing windows, 更换炉子过滤器,并在那些难以触及的地方除尘, do you sometimes forget the hub of your home – the kitchen.

我们花在厨房的时间可能比在家里或公寓的其他任何地方都要多. It’s where we cook and eat our family meals, where the kids do their homework, 在那里,我们在走进前门后解构我们的工作日.

It gets used, a lot. And it gets dirty!

大扫除厨房应该是春季大扫除的核心. 看看这些让你的厨房焕然一新的建议吧.


Start with dusting

  • 除非你特别高,否则你可能不会经常看到冰箱的顶部. But trust us – it needs some attention. 在开始厨房的其他区域之前,一定要先掸掉顶部的灰尘.
  • 掸去门框和窗框上的灰尘,以及墙上的任何挂饰.
  • Dust loves to collect on your light fixtures. 把灯具拿掉,用肥皂和水好好清洁一下也是个好主意.

Don’t forget the small appliances

  • 从你的搅拌器到你的炖锅再到你的空气炸锅,花一点时间在每一个电器上. Wipe them down thoroughly, inside and out.
  • While you’re getting the appliances nice and shiny, take a few minutes to do any minor maintenance needed.

The oven

  • 干净的烤箱不仅看起来和闻起来更好,还会让你的厨房更安全. 烤箱是家中最容易起火的地方之一. 食物残渣以及堆积在烤箱里的油脂会引起火灾. 它还会产生烟雾,充满你的厨房,破坏烤箱里的食物. If you’re looking to save energy, 考虑跳过烤箱的自动清洁功能,用手洗吧.
  • Wipe down the top and front of your oven. 你可以使用等量的醋和温水,让你的烤箱看起来像新的一样.

The fridge

  • 秋天洒出来的番茄酱还在冰箱最上面的架子上腐烂吗? Has it been ages since you wiped out the veggie drawers? 春季大扫除是清洁冰箱内部的最佳时机. 从把所有东西都拿出来开始,利用这个机会扔掉过期的东西. Seriously, the chutney in the back expired two years ago. Once you’ve removed everything, 用一点手肘油和清洁剂擦掉任何碎片, spillage or dirt.
  • Wipe down the outside of your refrigerator. 如果你有不锈钢,你已经知道它会吸引大量的指纹.  Avoid any abrasive cleaning solutions, bleach or ammonia. Those can damage the stainless steel finish. 查看产品手册,了解不锈钢和其他表面处理的最佳清洁建议. 
  • While you’re cleaning the refrigerator, 考虑把温度调到36-38度,把冰箱的温度调到0-5度. 这将减少你的银河官网消耗,降低你每月的账单.

Your dishwasher

  • It works hard all year long, so why not give it some love. 拿一种适合洗碗机表面的清洁剂,擦洗外面的门.
  • Move inside, wiping down the interior door and edges. 你可以购买清洁剂来消毒洗碗机的内部,但你也可以使用醋. Fill a dishwasher safe bowl with one cup of white vinegar. 把它放在电器的底部,然后进行热循环. 完成后,取出碗,在底部撒上小苏打. Run a short cycle. This will make your dishwasher smell and look so clean.

The pantry

  • Does your pantry look as if a food bomb went off? Is there food in there from the Ice Age? 花点时间整理你的食品储藏室,扔掉过期的食物. Wipe down the shelves and drawers. You’ll love how it looks.
  • 春季大扫除也是重新整理食品储藏室的好时机. 你真的想把你的清洁用品放在你的煎饼粉旁边吗. Take time to get organized.

Wipe it down

  • Now that you’ve dusted and organized, it’s time to wipe down your counters, chairs, handles/knobs and any other surface.  
  • 给你的水槽做一些额外的清洁,确保清洁水槽后面的区域. Check your sink’s manufacturer for the best cleaners.
  • 别忘了擦拭你的橱柜,尤其是把手周围. 如果你有木橱柜,这也是给它们上油的最佳时机.

Look under your appliances – yuck!

  • Vacuum and clean under your refrigerator and oven. 你知道清除电器下面的灰尘和污垢可以提高效率,使它们运行得更久吗 efficiently. 一个高效运行的电器会消耗更少的银河官网,这意味着你会省钱!

The floor

  • 在整理、擦拭、清洁和除尘之后,你的地板可能看起来有点粗糙. 这是厨房春季大扫除的最后一步. Thoroughly sweep the floor and then give it a good cleaning. 您使用的清洁溶液类型将取决于您的地板类型, but don’t miss those corners and tough-to-reach areas. 你甚至可能需要双手和膝盖来清洁这些角落,但这是值得的.

一旦你完成了这些步骤,你的厨房将焕然一新. And you’ll have made it safer and more energy efficient. It’s a win-win!

We’ve put together an extensive resource center 帮助你帮助你的家,从创建一个应急包到安装一个智能恒温器. So, what can we do for you today?

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